A single mother embarks on a violent quest for justice at a public defenders office after her son receives a severe sentence. Meanwhile a young man traumatized by surviving a mass shooting becomes radicalized and turns into an anti-government terrorist. The team must swiftly locate him before he can seek revenge on those he feels have wronged him.
In another storyline an undercover mission unfolds as Barnes infiltrates a gang led by an ambitious leader who is orchestrating turf wars and mass killings in the Bronx to gain more power.
- Intense drama centered around themes of justice and revenge.
- Exploration of trauma and radicalization in the aftermath of violence.
- Undercover operations and gang conflicts in a gritty urban setting.
- Genre: Crime Drama Thriller
- Format: DVD
- Season: 2
- Multiple story arcs involving personal and societal conflicts.
- Character development through high-stakes situations.
- Engaging plot twists and suspenseful moments.