Forensic sleuthing in the age of invention.
Season eleven of this acclaimed series begins with the main character imprisoned and wrongfully accused of murdering a dancer. His team faces a deadly ambush and a corrupt politician is involved in a kidnapping. The protagonist must clear his name from behind bars with the help of a fellow detective who works secretly to solve the case.
Key features include:
- The return of a famous inventor who assists in solving a murder during a special dinner event.
- A complex automobile accident that needs resolution before a critical deadline.
- A radical surgeon’s organ transplant attempt interrupted by a notable historical figure.
- An investigation led by a character who returns to painting after a murder occurs.
- A series of suicides among elderly men that draws media scrutiny towards a prominent doctor.
- A character’s career choice that goes against family expectations.
- Genre: Mystery/Drama
- Season: 11
- Format: Television series
- Theme: Invention and forensic investigation
- Intriguing plot twists
- Historical figures and events
- Character development and personal conflicts