Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is a seasoned police officer facing significant challenges in his career. He grapples with the unresolved disappearance of his wife Sandy which occurred six years ago and the recent tarnishing of his reputation due to his unconventional policing methods. His superiors have cautioned him that his position is precarious.
Amidst a pile of cold case files that serve as a constant reminder of his unresolved past Grace struggles to find closure. Despite his efforts to move forward he remains haunted by his personal and professional dilemmas.
A visit from his old friend and colleague Detective Sergeant Glenn Branson reignites Grace’s engagement with his work. Branson encourages him to re-enter the world of active investigations leading Grace to become involved in two challenging cases that push his skills and instincts to their limits.
- Investigation into the mysterious disappearance of a groom on his stag night just days before his wedding.
- Examination of two unsettling deaths that Grace suspects are linked to a serial killer operating along the South coast.
- Collaboration with colleagues Emma Jane Boutwood Bella Moy and Nick Nicholl to piece together the clues.